Manifesting Positivity: How Society's Obsession with Negative Stories Affects Us

Recently, I’ve wondered a lot about our community of misfortune and misadventure, where we compete for the saddest or most traumatic story. Emerging from my own trauma and striving to manifest my dream life, I’ve realized my own projection of negative vibes has infiltrated my conversations and life. And I am noticing it everywhere. 

I read a book, I believe it was Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, and one sentence always stood out to me: "Everyone applauds and notices when you climb out of a hole, but no one ever recognizes you if you never get stuck in a hole in the first place." What is that about? Yes, horrendous things happen, and thank God people can overcome obstacles and tragic events, but has it now reached a point where society thrives off every little piece of mishaps and misadventures? It seems no one is exciting or praised unless they have a depressing story that they have risen up from. 

The Competition for the Worst Stories 

Everywhere we look, from news headlines to social media feeds, we're bombarded with stories of misfortune and tragedy. This constant exposure shapes our worldview, often leading us to believe that negativity is the norm. Psychologically, our brains are wired to respond to threats, which is why we gravitate towards these stories. 

I remember going to brunch with some friends. Ready for a beautiful day surrounded by funny, witty, and charismatic humans, I was determined to have the best time and not even speak about any of my woes. I put effort into my outfit, did my makeup as best as I knew how, and blow-dried my hair. I felt good. We met at a café in a beautiful park with the trees standing proudly, ducks swimming in the river, and the sun glowing over us. It was a perfect setting. 

We got chatting and laughing, splitting off into random conversations between us. Then one of the girls started speaking about her health issues, then another one about her nephew’s issues, and then another one about their child’s issues. I sat there a little shocked. Not because I wasn’t ready to support them, and they needed to obviously get it off their chests, but because they seemed to kind of thrive off those stories. They were animated, and once one started, it was like a chain reaction—they all needed to compete for the most challenging story. 

As the conversations shifted from light-hearted banter to health issues and personal struggles, I felt a wave of frustration and sadness. Despite my initial resolve, I found myself contributing my own woes. Internally, I wrestled with the contradiction of wanting to leave negativity behind while being drawn into it. 

Weeks later, the memory still lingered. I had anticipated a nice day out, eager to hear about the fun and adventures my friends had been on or were planning. Instead, I found myself unable to escape the negative emotion I was so desperately trying to leave behind. I am tired of pain and hurt. 

How Do We Change the Mirror Image That Is Being Projected Back to Us? 

Life is often described as a mirror, reflecting back to us the energy, thoughts, and emotions we project. When we radiate positivity, gratitude, and love, we tend to attract similar experiences and people who mirror those qualities. Conversely, when we harbor negativity, fear, or self-doubt, our external reality often echoes these internal states, presenting challenges that reinforce those feelings. This mirroring effect invites us to look inward and recognize that by transforming our inner world, we can alter the reality we experience. Using powerful manifestation techniques, such as positive affirmations, visualization exercises, and gratitude practices, we can reshape our beliefs and attitudes, manifesting a life filled with abundance and joy. It reminds us of the power we hold to shape our destiny through our attitudes and beliefs. 

The Best Manifestation Techniques to Change Your Projection 

Affirmations: Repeatedly telling yourself positive phrases or statements. Say them when looking in the mirror or just within your mind throughout the day. Make them mean something to you. Starting with "I am..." or "I have...," you will slowly build up confidence as you subconsciously rewire your mind. 

Meditation and Mindfulness: Spend time in meditation to quiet your mind and connect with your inner self. Mindfulness practices can help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to consciously choose positive, empowering ones. 

Gratitude: By focusing on what you're grateful for, you shift your energy from lack to abundance. Just look around you now and list some things you are grateful for. It can be as small as being grateful for clean water, a safe place to sleep, or a beautiful tree in your neighborhood. Start looking around you and finding joy in the small things. 

Visualization: Spend time each day visualizing the life you want to live. Picture it in vivid detail—what you see, hear, smell, and feel. Imagine yourself already living that life. This helps to align your current self with your future self, making it easier for those changes to manifest. 

Letting Go: Sometimes, the act of letting go is the most powerful form of manifestation. Trust that the universe has your back and release any attachment to the outcome. This creates space for new opportunities and blessings to come into your life. 

By choosing to shift our focus and embracing positive manifestations, we can change the mirror image projected back to us. It's time to awaken to the magic of the world and create the life we truly desire. If you have had experience with this, feel free to send us a message

Love Arcii xx


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